Sunday, January 25, 2009

What we have been upsto this week.

My mom is in charge of handing out humanitarian projects to different wards in her stake. She handed them out at the beginning of November. Well they are due today Jan 25 well many started coming back a week ago half done or not done at all. The woman would just say they didn't have time or they didn't want to do them. I cant believe some of these woman!!
So my mom asked her family and many people at her work to help out and we did. With allot of callouses from the stinking velcro we finally finished them.
On a more positive note my kids got to help out and I would explain to them that these were going to kids in Africa and other places that don't have computers and stuff and they asked allot of questions and I thought that it was a good experience for my girls. Thanks Mom!
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Aust and Megs said...

soooo happpy these are all doneI don't think my little fingers could handle one more velcro strip!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Since you are so crafty I have scout uniforms that need updated. (I am laughing!)